Advanced Merges

The advanced merge strategy is appropriate when the other strategies provide insufficient flexibility.

In particular, an advanced merge allows the differences between any two branches to be merged into a third branch, even if the two branches being compared do not share a common ancestor.

To perform an advanced merge:

  1. Click the Advanced Merge button:

    Advanced Merge

  2. Verify that the selected working copy does not contain any uncommitted modifications.

    Merging into a working copy which contains uncommitted modifications can result in unnecessary conflicts and is not recommended.

    Cornerstone will display a warning in the Working Copy Checklist if modifications are detected. If necessary, click the Revert... or Commit... button as required.

  3. Verify that the selected working copy is up-to-date.

    Merging into a working copy which is not up-to-date can result in unnecessary conflicts and is not recommended.

    Cornerstone will display a warning in the Working Copy Checklist if the working is not up-to-date. If necessary, click the Update to Latest Revision button to bring the working copy up to date.

  4. Specify the path or URL and revision of the first branch to compare in the Compare path and revision fields.

    The revision defaults to HEAD.

  5. Likewise, specify the path/URL and revision of the second branch to compare in the Against path and revision fields.

    The revision also defaults to HEAD.

  6. If required, change the merge options by clicking on the Options popup button.

  7. Cornerstone will display a preview of the changes to be merged.

  8. Click the Merge Changes button to merge the differences into the working copy.

  9. Verify the changes and resolve any conflicts.

  10. Commit the changes to the repository to complete the merge operation.